How SBST Helps Promote TSP Participation

How SBST Helps Promote TSP Participation and Educate How To Enroll in the TSP The annual report of the federal government’s Social & Behavioral Sciences Team (SBST) shows how they have been helping federal agencies by prodding their employees to enroll in the TSP.  One good example is the DOD and SBST’s email campaign to increase…

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Age Thresholds For Making A TSP Withdrawal

Many federal employees wonder what the TSP withdrawal age is and, as a result, may miss out on certain opportunities available to them.  You may be aware that making a TSP withdrawal before age 59½ can result in getting hit with a 10% early withdrawal penalty in addition to the income taxes that may be applicable to the…

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TSP Withdrawal as a Death Benefit

Thrift Savings Plan Death Benefits Confused about Thrift Savings Plan Death Benefits?  We will try to explain the primary items that most federal employees and, at times, their surviving spouses have. If a participant dies before applying for a TSP withdrawal, the rules, and regulations that need to be followed by your beneficiary change quite…

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TSP Share Prices and Withdrawal

Federal employees who are considering a TSP withdrawal after leaving federal service tend to spend a whole lot of time figuring out complex investment and TSP withdrawal strategies to optimize the returns and minimize the tax hit. However, most of it is based on choosing the correct TSP withdrawal option for you, which can include a full or…

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TSP Withdrawal Taxes as a Rollover Into a Roth IRA

Before you roll your TSP into a ROTH IRA, you should consider the taxes on a TSP withdrawal that the IRS may impose.  It might be wise for you to consult with a tax expert before trying to initiate a TSP withdrawal to Roth IRA rollover. The IRS rules and TSP Withdrawal Taxes treatment that govern the movement of funds…

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TSP Interfund Transfers and Contribution Allocations

Considering withdrawing your TSP account after leaving federal service?  For a good number of federal employees, this is the choice they make. For others, as they leave federal service they may choose to conduct a TSP Interfund transfer, opting for a more conservative approach as they enter retirement.  One big reason for this is because contributions…

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TSP Annuity vs. Monthly Payments – Strategies and Goals

Apart from a single payment as a lump sum amount for immediate spending, other Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) withdrawal options include monthly payments and a TSP lifetime annuity. It’s quite common for federal employees to face a situation where there isn’t enough of an account balance for all three options. Let’s say your withdrawal includes a single payment from…

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Why You Should Avoid Making A TSP Withdrawal

There are a few reasons to avoid making a TSP withdrawal and common TSP withdrawal mistakes that federal employees make.  Primarily, the decision whether to take a TSP withdrawal or not comes down to whether or not you need current income, and whether or not you’re satisfied with the options the TSP makes available to you.…

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TSP Beneficiary Participant Withdrawal For Federal Employees

The TSP beneficiary of a deceased federal employee (who was a TSP participant) may find the account investments have been moved into a TSP Beneficiary Participant Account (BPA). It’s possible to operate it much like you would any other TSP account, but without the contributions. It’s also possible to choose any of the TSP withdrawal options that are available to people who…

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